from Wien (387 km, about 5 hours)
to A2 - Graz (238 km) - Villach to Udine - direct to Hermagor - around B111 to Hermagor - turn left to direct Presseggersee
from Salzburg (175 km, about 2 hours)
to road A10 (paymen) - to Spittal / Millstättersee - next to B100/E66 to Greifenburg - Kreuzberg B87 - Gitsch - to Presseggersee
from Innsbruck (234 km, about 4 hours) - from 12 to Wörgl - Sankt Johann - Kitzbühel - Felbertauernstraße - Lienz - B111 - Kötschach Mauthen - to Hermagor B111 - turn left to direct Presseggersee
from Italy (from Udine, 110 km, about 1,2 hours)
Udine - Tarvisio - Villach - federal road (B111) - turn left to direct Presseggersee
-Klagenfurt (Austria) 80 km
- Ljubljana (Slovenia) 117 km
- Salzburg (Austria) 186 km
- Venezia (Italy ) 247 km
- München (Germany) 350 km
from Wien: Wien - Leoben - Klagenfurt - Villach - Hermagor
from München: München - Salzburg - Spittal / Millstättersee - Villach - Hermagor
from Innsbruck: Innsbruck - Schwarzach / Sankt Veit - Spittal / Millstättersee - Villach -Hermagor
from Italy: Udine - Tarvisio - Villach - Hermagor